This is going to be one of the most random posts I have ever written on this blog but hear me out. For years I have been watching a television show called the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills in which we follow a group of very rich women who nearly almost all suffer from anxiety, live pampered lifestyles and drink and gossip way too much. I can’t say that this is a very intellectual show however it does help me pass the time.

I wouldn't blame you if you have no idea what I’m talking about but if you’re a little curious, Netflix is currently streaming several seasons of the show. So if you’ve got some time to spare, for example if you were about to sand down the profile of your tires for an extra exciting winter period, just check out a few of the episodes. Each season has a few storylines and this season the unsung storyline appeared to be that 20 episodes long, the women kept ordering one particular drink: a Hot Toddy.

Hot Toddy History
As with almost all whisky related history, there are a few stories about how the Hot Toddy came to be. One version is that it dates back to the 17 century during British-controlled India, where the first name was a Taddy and translated as a beverage made from alcoholic liquor combined with hot water, sugar and spices. Another version is that there was an Irish doctor called Robert Bentley Todd who made his patients drink hot brandy mixed with cinnamon and sugar water.
Regardless of which version you believe to be true, what we do know is that a Hot Toddy is nowadays mostly drunk when the weather's frosty and often as a cure for a common cold. And let’s be honest, if you take a good look at the recipe it does seem like something that would warm you up nicely from the inside.

Easy-peasy lemon squeezy
There are many versions of a Hot Toddy but it could possibly be one of the easiest recipes I have ever come across. By just reading it I know I need to start making it more often. The ingredients for two glasses are super simple:
50 ml of whisky (I made mine with Epicurean)
3 tablespoons of honey
Two cinnamon sticks
The juice of half a lemon
Two cloves and several lemon slices
Mix your whisky with your honey, split the mix between two glasses and add a cinnamon stick per glass. Add 100 ml of boiling water to each glass carefully and then add the lemon juice, lemon slices and cloves to each glass, mix and serve.
Childhood memories
This may be considered the original recipe but when I was growing up and when my mother was feeling ill, my father would make her a version with brandy and orange juice. She would always drink it before jumping into bed with a hot water bottle and my father swears that the next morning her cold was always gone. Now I know there are many pessimists out there who won’t believe this story but let me enjoy my childhood memory, thank you very much. We have more than enough reality around us to keep me grounded.
And on that positive note, I hope the coming autumn and winter will be kind to us all. Take care of yourself, stay healthy but if you do you have that hint of a cold coming up, give yourself a Hot Toddy and enjoy!